The osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

Degenerative disease that destroys the body of the vertebrae and occurs by the deformation of the intervertebral disc, called the osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. Causes of emergence of this pathology can be varied, and for the proper treatment, it is important to determine what has influenced the development of the deformation in the lower part of the back. If a person is bothered by symptoms characteristic of the osteochondrosis, you should immediately go to the hospital.

In the 1 stage can cure the problem of drugs and special exercises, but 2-3 degrees conservative method does not always work, so it is necessary to resort to a surgical method of treatment.

The deformation of the intervertebral disc

The main causes of

Left-wing or right-wing lumbar osteochondrosis is a disease degenerate in nature, which destroys intervertebral disc breaks through the fibrous ring and the person has a hernia, causing a sharp pain and the violation of the functioning of the locomotor apparatus. Cause osteochondrosis in the lower part of the back can include the following factors:

  • increase of the physical load in the department of the spine;
  • incorrect position of the body when walking, rear seat;
  • an inactive, sedentary life;
  • broken position;
  • injuries, fractures or injuries that cause the degenerative effects of the spine;
  • congenital pathology of the structure of the locomotor apparatus, in which the signs of deformation can be observed as the child;
  • obesity;
  • the stress, the bad food.

Stages and symptoms of

The signs of the degenerative disease of the lumbar disk develops as the disease progresses, and the more the stage that more is manifested the symptom. In total there are 4 grades:

  • In the 1 stage of the fibrous ring is damaged is not the point, the pain is not expressed, and often angry after a long hike. The pain is manifested in 2 classes — back pain, when a symptom is concerned about constantly, and lumbago, in which the signs appear suddenly.
  • The osteochondrosis POP grade 2 is characterized by a great destruction of fibrous rings and dystrophy of the unit. What is the violation leads to the reduction of space between vertebrae and pinching of the nerve fibers. The progressive 2 stage accompanied by expressed pain in the lower back, in the morning it feels stiff, which for a long time does not pass.
  • In 3 stages, a fibrous ring in the affected area is wholly destroyed, so that it forms a hernia, which compresses the vessels and the spinal nerve roots. The back hurts me constantly, the symptoms do not disappear after the relaxation and reduction of loads, you feel the tingling and heaviness in the legs. In the third degree occurs muscular dystrophy of the muscle fibers, so that limited movements of the patient.
  • In 4 stages of the spinal column is deformed, the person annoys the acute pain, because the motor activity totally limited. Due to a violation of the innervation and vascularization appear edema in the legs, between the vertebrae to grow bone of the education. In the last grade of a high risk of disability.

Syndromes of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

Lumbar osteochondrosis is manifested in the following syndromes:

  • Treatment of the pain. It is the main symptom that characterizes specific to the violation in the vertebral column. With the progression of the pathology of the symptoms become evident, the attacks may last for several days, affecting the health of the person.
  • Root. Due to thinning, damaged the body of the unit height of the intervertebral space is reduced, due to which the vertebrae become unstable, irritating, and squeezing the nerve endings. Person upset acute pain syndrome, inflammation of the nerves, circulatory disorders. Muscle skeleton atrophy, so that the functionality of the lower limbs is broken.
  • Ischemic. Progressive osteochondrosis back makes the blood vessels and arteries, throbbing spine begin to compress. This violates the blood supply and the nutrition of the internal organs and tissues, as well as becomes the cause of the acute pain in the inner part of the thighs, in the area of the crotch. If the problem is not solved on time, it is possible paralysis or paresis.
  • Low back pain in the beginning of the disease, osteochondrosis
  • Spinal. The progression of pain, ischemic and radicular syndromes of the vertebral column of a patient little by little deforms, which has had an enormous impact in the state and well-being. The muscles become weak, change the gait, the person tries to distribute the load on the spine, so that when the movement of experience a minimum of discomfort. These violations affect the functioning of the internal organs, with the discs of the spine are still more deformed, or damaged.

If the treatment of degenerative disc disease lumbar department was inadequate or made out of time, they can develop dangerous complications. Of the women with the defeat of the vertebrae L1—S1, complications can occur during pregnancy, especially in recent times, when the load on the spine maximum. The men of degenerative processes in the lumbar region are often the cause of impotence problems. The delay in treatment of the threat, reactive spondylosis, as well as a high probability that the development of osteoarthritis of the knee, of the hip. Arise other effects:

  • compression-vascular ischemia;
  • the protrusion;
  • spondiloarthrosis;
  • paresis.

The diagnosis

For the health care provider may pick up treatment methods effective, it needs to establish an accurate diagnosis. The diagnosis begins in the office of a neurologist, who conducts the exam of primary school, can be felt in affected area, evaluates the nature of the changes in the vertebral column. In the acute period of the patient can hardly move and perform some manipulation sophisticated. To improve the research of the vertebral column is assigned the instrumental diagnosis, which includes:

  • X-rays. Is performed in 3 planes, the photographs show the degree of progression of the pathology, the size of the intervertebral cleft, salt deposits, the structure of the vertebrae.
  • The computed tomography scan or magnetic resonance imaging. Give a more detailed view of the condition of the spine and the discs, show a deterioration in the soft tissues, which cannot be considered at rentgenologicheskom study.

How to cure the problem?


The disease is characterized by the progression of the pain symptom with the deal not all drugs. In the initial stages to the outrage of the signs, you can take pain relievers. As well as the problem is treated with special ointments and gels. In the cases, these drugs are ineffective, so the doctor prescribed injections, thanks to the anesthesia and the first assistance is appropriate.

Diagnosis of degenerative disc disease

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents help to relieve swelling and inflammation, thanks to nerve fibers and blood vessels are compress, and the relief of symptoms of pain. This group includes the tool:

  • Medications for the pain. The progression of the evolution of acute, when the pain is expressed, are assigned to the drugs in this group. Since they have side effects, not worth buying the tools at its sole discretion. Safe and effective the drug must appoint a physician.
  • The muscle relaxants. Relieve muscle spasms, thanks to lessen the pain and discomfort.
  • The corticosteroids. Eliminate the inflammation, which has a positive effect on the nervous system, improve the state of the patient in the short term.


If you are diagnosed osteochondrosis L5—S1 or surprise disc level from L3—S1, must be assigned to the gym. When you are running complex training, it is important to increase the work load gradually, to avoid the discomfort and the pain. It is recommended to make the osteochondrosis of the following exercises:

  • In a standing position to make turns to the left, right, tilt forward and backward.
  • Being on four legs, curve and alignment of the back.
  • Lying on the floor, lift legs smooth, without taking the back off the ground.
  • In the supine position with the left hand pull out to the extremities, which are located to the right, and vice versa.

Massage and physical therapy

Chronic osteochondrosis in the remission stage treated with success with the help of treatments performed manual therapist. The massage will help to normalize the blood circulation in the affected section, and set the power. Similar effect have physical therapy procedures:

  • the electrophoresis;
  • media magneto-therapy;
  • lazeroterapiya;
  • Uhf.

If the sick person with the steering wheel to the left steering to the right or to the osteochondrosis conservative methods do not solve the problem, it means that the non-surgical treatment does not pass. Often applies microdiscectomy, in which are deleted sequestered hernia repair with the help of microsurgical instruments. The procedure minime psidium, the next day after the surgery, the patient may begin to move.

The prevention of the

As well as the osteochondrosis suffer from the adults and the children, is still important, since the early age of monitoring the spinal column, to control the position, pay attention to how you see the curvature while sitting or moving. If you are suspected of a deformation, it is worth going to the doctor. The sooner the disease is diagnosed, the easier it will be after the fight.